How To Write A Good Conclusion For Your Writing Project?

Conclusions are one of the most important parts of a writing project. They help you wrap up your argument and leave the reader with something they can take away, whether it’s an idea, a message, or just the desire to do more research into the topic.

But how do you do that?

Well, I’ve got you covered. This blog post is going to walk you through what makes for a good conclusion and give you some tips on how to write one.

Let’s get started!

What makes a conclusion good?

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When you’re crafting an argument, you’ve got to make sure you end on a strong note. You’ve already pulled your reader in with a compelling introduction and discussed the core of your topic in the body paragraphs.

Now you need to bring it all together in a way that leaves them satisfied and wanting more.

In order to do this, your concluding section must have four specific characteristics. It has to:

  1. Help to tie up loose ends, so that your reader doesn’t walk away from your argument feeling like there are still unanswered questions.
  2. Provide a sense of closure and finality.
  3. Show how readers can apply what they’ve read about your topic by using it in their own lives or even taking action on a larger scale.
  4. Create a sense of unity, helping you to bring all of the pieces of your argument together into one cohesive whole.

Below there are some tips to help you craft an effective conclusion that checks all these boxes.

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Tips to Write a Good Conclusion

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In order to do this as effectively as possible, here are some things to keep in mind:


Plan it out. It’s a good idea to plan out your conclusion before you begin writing: it gives you time to collect your thoughts and come up with a few ideas for how you want to leave the reader feeling.

Keep it relevant. It is important to make sure that you have answered the question you posed at the beginning of your article. This will help the reader see how what they’ve read fits into a greater whole and can help them make sense of their own thoughts.

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Make it short. The conclusion is not the place to go over everything that your reader should have learned in your writing project. If you’re more than three paragraphs into your conclusion, consider editing down to what you absolutely must say just to give closure.

Use the same tone as the rest of your text. If you’ve written a formal essay, don’t suddenly switch to casual language in the conclusion – that will just confuse your reader.

Write in a way that’s coherent and cohesive. You want to make sure that the way you’ve ended your text flows smoothly with what came before it.

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Don’t rehash your introduction or other parts of the text. You spent all that time building up to your conclusion, so don’t just recap what you already said in the introduction. Instead, use the conclusion to build on what you’ve already said and give a final statement about how your topic fits into larger discussions.

Don’t assume that your audience is going to remember everything you said. This is particularly true if you are writing a technical document, where the reader may not have the same background knowledge as you do. But even in more casual writing, readers often forget the details they read in your text. That’s why it’s important to summarize your main points.

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Don’t be too vague or too general. This can make the reader feel like you’ve lost your way, or like they’ve been led down a rabbit hole with no end.

Don’t overuse transitional words. Transitional words like “therefore” or “as a result” are great, but they have a tendency to get overused. They’re meant to help you move from one idea to another, and when you use them too much, it can be distracting for your reader. Instead, try to be as direct and clear as possible with your word choice.

How to Write a Good Conclusion for Your Writing Project?

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If the tips above aren’t enough and you’re still struggling, here’s a step-by-step guide to writing a great conclusion for your next writing project:

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1. Give a brief summary of your main points

Most people know that you should begin your introduction with a hook. In other words, there should be something in the opening paragraph to draw people in and make them want to keep reading.

Well, the same goes for your conclusion. It should present a quick summary of the main points of your text in order to wrap things up neatly and leave your reader with a sense of closure.

This also gives readers a chance to evaluate what you said and provides a springboard for further discussion.

But remember, conclusions don’t have to be long or full of fancy language and flowery metaphors.

Just a few sentences are all you need to remind your audience what you’ve talked about in the body of the text.

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2. Refer back to the introduction or thesis statement

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Whether you’re writing a paper, article, or essay, keep in mind that you have to present your ideas in a clear way and make sure you’ve answered all of the questions raised by your introduction.

This means that if your introduction asked for a solution to a problem, then your conclusion should explain how this solution works.

If there are several solutions presented in the body of the text, then these should be presented clearly in the conclusion. If one method is better than another or if there is an alternative approach to solving the problem, then this should also be discussed here.

A good way to do this is by using a “hook” to pull in the reader one last time and make them remember what you’re trying to say.

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3. Make an emotional appeal to your readers.

When you’re writing for an audience, you want to give them a reason to care about your topic and help them understand why it’s important. This is easier said than done – but as a rule of thumb, the best way to make someone care about a thing is to make them feel something.

A good conclusion is a great place to do that because it’s the last chance you have to remind your reader why they should care about your topic at all before they put it aside.

You can accomplish this by using powerful words that evoke emotion in your reader. Think about what emotions you want your reader to feel when they’re done reading.

Then choose words that will evoke those emotions: fear, excitement, sadness, love – whatever feels right for your text.

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4. Give a final thought or idea that will resonate with your audience

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No matter what type of text you’re writing, you don’t want to end on a dull or vague note. An effective conclusion will leave your reader with something to think about, or an idea that will resonate with them.

This means that you should include something that makes them think about the topic differently, gives them food for thought, or leaves them with a question they can answer on their own.

For example, you can try to end on a practical note: remind the reader of how your idea or argument can be applied to their own lives, and what steps they can take from here to apply it.

You can also try adding an anecdote or quote to help them understand a concept in a new way, or ask a question that makes them think about it on their own.

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5. End with a call to action

So, you’ve given a thorough explanation of your topic, you’ve asserted its importance, noted how it fits into the bigger picture, and explained its relevance to the reader. But there’s one thing that makes all the difference in the world – a call to action.

Without it, you’re just passively giving information, which doesn’t do much for anyone. Your conclusion is your last opportunity to make an argument and has an impact on the reader.

So take this opportunity to leave them with a strong impression and tell them exactly what they should do next!

Closing with a call to action can be as simple as stating your desired outcome (“The more we join together to spread awareness, the sooner we can finally put an end to this epidemic”) or naming your desired result (“In order to reduce our carbon footprint, it is important that we all take steps like…”).

You could also tell them how they can reach out for help (“If you would like more information about this issue, you can visit our website or email us at…”).

This isn’t necessary if you are writing about a topic that requires no further action from your readers. For example, if you’re writing a research paper.

In those cases, the conclusion is a good place to offer some commentary on how your research might be utilized going forward, or what implications your findings may have.

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Examples of Good Conclusions

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To help you get an even better idea of what a good conclusion sounds like, here you have a few examples:

1. “In conclusion, I hope that this paper has provided you with some insights into the importance of good writing. The ability to communicate clearly and effectively is a skill that will serve you well throughout your life.

By learning how to write well, you will be able to express yourself clearly and persuasively, which will increase your chances of success in any field you choose.

The tips in this paper are just a few of the many things that can help you write better. If you would like more information about writing or if you have any questions about this paper, please feel free to contact me at [email].”

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2. “The impact of fast fashion on the environment is undeniable. While it’s true that some companies have made efforts to reduce their carbon footprints, most have not.

A lack of regulation has allowed these companies to operate without any oversight or accountability for their environmental impact. Fast fashion is only going to get worse as time goes on if we don’t take action now to change how we think about clothing and what we expect from the people who make it for us.”

Image from Andres Ayrton via Pexels

3. “I would recommend the VPN [name of VPN]. In my research, it was the best VPN for Japan. While there are a lot of options out there, this one stood out because it had excellent security features and was easy to use.”

I also liked that their servers were located in Japan, so they don’t have to worry about getting around the country’s internet laws.”

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4. “To sum up, AI will have a dramatic impact on the world. It will change how we live, work, and interact with each other. It will increase productivity, improve efficiency and make our lives easier.

However, it will also cause unemployment in some areas. The best way to prepare for this is to educate yourself on what AI is and how it works.

Being aware of the risks associated with AI will help you make better decisions about how to use it in your life.”

5. “Climate change is a real and serious problem that needs to be addressed. We can’t just ignore it – we have to take action now.

We need to make sure that we’re not just doing our part to fight climate change, but also making sure that other people are aware of the issue and are taking action as well.

You don’t have to be an expert on climate change or a scientist to help make a difference in this world. All you need is some knowledge about what’s going on and a willingness to help out when needed.

If you want more information about what you can do as an individual to help fight climate change, check out [link].”

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Image from George Milton via Pexels

6. “Overall, debt collection is still a lucrative business, and we’re seeing more and more companies jump on the bandwagon. But with so many new players in the game, it’s important to be vigilant about how you conduct yourself and make sure that you’re following all the right rules.

One way to do this is to use technology to your advantage – a lot of it is out there, but you need to know where to look. You can also try to keep up with the latest trends in debt collection by checking out [website]!”

7. “The world is changing fast, and businesses are being forced to change with it to keep up. Digital transformation is not only a requirement for businesses in this new era but also a way to stay competitive and ensure your company can continue to grow.”

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8. “Stress is a normal and natural part of life. It can be a powerful motivator and a useful tool for growth and development. However, when it becomes chronic or extreme, it can have serious consequences for our bodies and our minds.

The best way to deal with stress is to understand what kind of stress it is and how much of it you’re experiencing. You should then take steps to alleviate this stress by making changes to your lifestyle or taking other steps, such as seeking professional help.”

Image from Artem Podrez via Pexels

9. “In conclusion, volcanoes are important for the survival of the Earth’s ecosystem and are a great source of geothermal energy. They can be beautiful or terrifying, depending on the circumstances.

Volcanoes are also a source of valuable minerals and metals that we use today in our everyday lives. We need to protect these natural wonders from human activity so they can continue their vital role in our planet’s ecosystem.”

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10. “Lorawan devices, while lacking many of the capabilities of their larger counterparts, can still be used as part of a comprehensive strategy to traffic data between different geographical areas.

This technology could track children as they walk home from school, help you remember where you parked your car in a large lot, or even bring an escaped pet back home. In a nutshell, Lorawan devices have the potential to completely change the way that we interact with the world around us.”

Wrapping Up

Writing a good conclusion can be tricky, but it’s crucial – it’s your last chance to make an impact on your audience.

The steps and tips outlined above will help you craft an ending that will leave your readers feeling satisfied and confident that they’ve learned something new from your writing project.

Now, it’s up to you to take what you’ve learned and apply it to your own work. As with any skill, practice makes perfect!

About Author

Cassie Riley has a passion for all things marketing and social media. She is a wife, mother, and entrepreneur. In her spare time, she enjoys traveling, language, music, writing, and unicorns. Cassie is a lifetime learner, and loves to spend time attending classes, webinars, and summits.