45 Best Thesis Statement Examples 2023

A thesis statement is a brief description used in professional or academic writing to explain your position on a given issue or topic.

It’s an important part of a paper or document that communicates your perspective and describes what the rest of your document or essay is about.

Thesis statements usually appear at the beginning of a paper and ideally in the first few paragraphs. Understanding how to craft a good thesis statement will help you create a strong guide for your paper and make your document more compelling.

In this post, we are going to walk you through how to write a persuasive thesis statement and provide some of the best thesis statement examples that you can draw from when creating your own.

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How to write a good thesis statement?

Photo by Ketut Subiyanto

A well-written thesis statement has to:

Be specific

Your thesis statement should avoid generalizations and include concrete details about the argument you intend to make in the thesis. It shouldn’t just tell people that something happens, it should also tell them how or why it happens.

Be clear

There is no room for ambiguity in your thesis statement. It should be straightforward and clear.

It has to explain the point you are trying to make in a way that anyone who reads it can easily grasp, so keep your audience in mind when choosing an essay subject or what vocabulary to use in your statement.

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Photo by Armin Rimoldi

Reveal your position

Can your thesis statement be contested or argued? If the answer is no, then you’ve merely stated the facts of the topic, you have not set out to make an argument in favor or against the topic.

A good thesis statement should show where you stand on the topic. It should be open to debate.

Align with the rest of your paper

Your thesis statement should tell people what to expect from the rest of your paper. So after you are done writing the paper, you need to review it to see if any areas extend beyond the scope of your thesis statement.

You can either rewrite those paragraphs to align with your thesis outline or rewrite your thesis statement to bring it closer to the spirit of your paper.

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Best Thesis Statement Examples

1. Research has shown that the use of medical marijuana has been beneficial to veterans suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

It should be legal to prescribe medical marijuana in all states so the veterans who need it can easily access it without consequences. Additional therapy and medical services should also be implemented alongside this to facilitate their reintegration into civilian society.

2. Space exploration is another excuse to fritter away money; rather than spending billions of dollars trying to colonize Mars, the funds should be used to solve issues that are plaguing our planet such as hunger, poverty, traffic congestion, and global warming.

3. A college degree can have a tremendous impact on a person’s life and career trajectory, but attending university immediately after graduating high school may not be the most suitable option for every student.

Some may benefit more from attending trade schools or taking a gap year to consider what they want to do with the next phase of their lives and how they might achieve that.

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4. People should incorporate daily exercise into their routines because it increases their fitness levels, helps them maintain a healthy weight, and reduces their risk of getting high blood pressure.

Photo by Anete Lusina

5. The democratization of the internet means that more and more teenagers are using smartphones and accessing social media, which exposes them to cyberbullying.

Cyberbullying is a very stressful experience for many teens and can lead to anxiety, depression, and suicidal ideation.

To clamp down on the spread and impact of cyberbullying, parents should monitor their teenager’s online activities, limit their usage of smartphones, and report any incidents of cyberbullying to school officials.

6. Negative health consequences like heart disease, liver complications, and weight gain can result from excessive alcohol consumption.

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7. In a time when physical libraries are going extinct due to the growing influence of digitization, the government should create and fund digital libraries in addition to physical ones to lessen the financial burden of students who are required to purchase pricey e-books.

8. The growing popularity of nationalism and populism in the United States and Europe coincides with the waning of moderate and centrist political parties that have had a stronghold on the corridors of power since World War II.

Photo by cottonbro

9. For most people in Antarctica, the cost of healthcare services is unaffordable because of the low average incomes, lack of government-funded clinics and hospitals, and the high prices of essential medications.

10. Although including discussions of consensual sex in sex education classes will likely lead to a reduction in sexual assault, parents have a responsibility to teach their children about consent from a young age using age-appropriate language and lessons.

11. Hiring people from diverse educational, religious, and ethnic backgrounds to strategize and execute human development projects can help improve efficiency and refine the planning of development programs focused on marginalized communities for the better.

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12. Despite the good intentions upon which it is predicated, the practice of giving foreign aid to nations on the African continent has done more harm than good because it has left African nations vulnerable to corruption, rising inflation, civil unrest, and currency fluctuations.

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio

13. The results of recent studies have shown a growing interest in healthy products amongst the general public, and Adam’s Beverages should factor in this consideration when going to market with new products and design advertising campaigns that highlight the healthy nature of its products to boost sales numbers.

14. The massive adoption of digitization in response to quarantines and restrictions of movements brought about by COVID-19 and the continued growth of online shopping in the wake of the pandemic might precipitate the permanent shutdown of millions of brick-and-mortar retail outlets.

15. Any unlawful surveillance is an invasion of people’s right to privacy and a breach of their civil liberties. Government surveillance programs like PRISM should be banned on these grounds because they can result in innocent people suffering undue harm or punishment, and they fail to safeguard the very rights and liberties of the people that they are designed to protect.

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16. What constitutes a good and healthy family arrangement in today’s world is diverse and multifaceted, but the U.S. media continues to depict the traditional family as one that is made up of a father, mother, and children.

This conception of the traditional family arrangement is outmoded and can be harmful to young children who are socialized to see it as the gold standard.

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17. Although it has been argued that distributing condoms to teenagers means that schools and institutions are encouraging sexual behavior in juveniles, educational institutions should distribute and teach students about birth control in order to reduce sexually transmitted diseases and teen pregnancies.

18. More and more people are choosing to read e-books instead of physical books. The government should allocate funds to digitize libraries and deliver increased resources to support the provision of digital learning devices such as new computers and high-speed internet to enable users to connect remotely and access library books online.

19. Marijuana has a lot of applications in the field of medicine such as the treatment of symptoms of cancer, glaucoma, and epilepsy. The legalization of marijuana use in the United States will be highly beneficial to the medical sector by empowering healthcare professionals to prescribe this lifesaving remedy.

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20. Blue-collar workers whose jobs are disappearing due to global recession, dwindling global demand, the COVID-19 pandemic, and the rise of Chinese manufacturing firms should be retrained to work in the green energy sector to counteract unemployment, minimize environmental pollution, and improve local economies.

Photo by Anna Nekrashevich

21. The use of casual clothing in place of uniforms in schools promotes unhealthy competition and leaves students from low-income families vulnerable to mocking, discrimination, bullying, and unhealthy expectations.

Students should be mandated to wear uniforms to minimize their focus on physical appearance and redirect their attention to their studies.

22. A linguistic analysis of various metaphors, similes, and epithets used in Sonnet 5 reveals Shakespeare’s impeccable mastery of the English language.

23. The practice of motivating children to study hard and get good results by paying them when they excel academically is a good way of helping them understand how the real world works. It will enable them to see that if they put in their best effort and do good work, they will reap the rewards that come with it.

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24. Findings from recent studies have shown that there are strong links between a company’s management style and its employees’ level of motivation, productivity, and the general financial wellbeing of the organization.

25. There’s no denying that the fashion industry has come a long way from the weight and shape-obsessed industry where being skinny was promoted as the ideal body type.

However, it is yet to completely shed its unhealthy notions of what the female body should be. It still needs to be more deliberate about promoting diversity and a healthy image of the body.

Photo by Anastasiya Gepp

26. Bullfighting is a barbaric practice that should be banned because it is highly dangerous for both participants and observers and a brutal sport that violates the rights of animals and subjects them to grievous harm simply for entertainment.

27. More companies should embrace the work from home movement to gain access to a bigger and more diverse pipeline of qualified candidates and help their workers increase productivity, achieve better work-life balance, improve happiness and satisfaction, and ultimately generate more value for the business.

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28. University athletes should receive payment for their services to the institution. Many student-athletes tend to hail from lower-income families and are servicing their tuition with the help of scholarships.

Devising a compensation plan for them will improve their mental and physical well-being and enable them to devote more time and effort to their studies and athletic endeavors.

29. People should exercise greater care and diligence when sharing details about their lives online or on social media because their personal information can easily be used inappropriately or handed over to a third party without their knowledge or permission.

30. Adolescents cannot fully appreciate the negative impacts of fast food and sugary drinks on their health. Schools should undertake the responsibility of developing educational programs to help students understand the value of building healthy eating habits.

Photo by Julia M Cameron

31. Codes of conduct should be created and mandatory for newly established developments and communities as they are instrumental to improving safety, raising community involvement, and increasing the value of homes in the area.

32. Tabitha Stevens and Wendell Mouritz both consider assault to be an unsolicited expression, but this is where the similarities in their viewpoints end. They hold contrasting ideas in several other positions, which causes the scholars to have different outlooks in their examination of sexual assault and harassment cases.

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33. Increasing the taxes of cigarette companies is tantamount to taxing the poorest citizens who will have to pay increased prices for their smokes. It won’t do much to deter them from buying and smoking cigarettes.

The government will see more success from creating educational programs targeting low-income earners and teaching them about the harmful effects of smoking.

34. Standardized tests and examinations are not very effective at measuring the skills and knowledge of students. As such, tests and exams should be banned and institutions of learning should devise alternative methods of evaluating students’ knowledge, abilities, and cognitive skills.

35. This paper shows a correlation between adopting hiring and personality tests in the recruitment process and a reduction in employer turnover using Atika Corporation, Wembley Group of Industries, and Biolot Inc as case studies. It makes a case for why large organizations should incorporate personality tests into their hiring strategies.

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio

36. To the casual eye, bats and bears do not seem to have much in common, but upon closer examination, these creatures share markedly similar species classifications and hibernation.

37. We live in the golden age of information, where data is more available and accessible than it’s ever been. However, the internet is rife with misinformation so students need to be taught digital literacy skills so they can evaluate the content they are consuming and determine whether it is accurate and reliable or a piece of propaganda or misleading information.

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38. Considering pet breeders routinely engage in unlawful and ethical business practices and the ever-increasing number of homeless animals being kept in shelters, people should not buy pets from breeders. They should consider adopting animals directly from shelters instead.

39. Normal People written by Sally Rooney offers a vivid portrayal of how class differences and social structure can shape a person’s life, stitch the fabric of their insecurities, influence the ways they communicate and interact with others both in and out of their social class, and ultimately inform their actions or inactions.

40. Early education centers are key caregivers and teachers for preschool-age children. They should endeavor to provide them with school preparedness training with a focus on helping them develop letter and number recognition, gross and fine motor skills, and adequate social skills.

Photo by Anastasiya Gepp

41. Although studying abroad is an expensive option for many, the opportunity to discover a whole new world, interact with various cultures, and experience a different approach to learning makes the prospect worth it for those who can afford it.

42. When it comes to the issue of children having access to social media, there are two sides to the debate. The supporters believe that social media does not harm children but instead exposes them to see the world beyond their corners of the earth.

On the other hand, the dissenters think that children shouldn’t be allowed to use social media because it distorts reality and creates false expectations.

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43. Due to dwindling theater ticket sales and the rise in available streaming platforms, film production companies should adapt to the changing times and adopt techniques that allow for optimal viewing of movies on all platforms.

44. Through a close reading of “Honor” by Elif Shafak and “White Teeth” by Zadie Smith, this paper will examine the similarities and differences in both novels in terms of plot, setting, themes, characters, and points of view to determine whether the resemblances in the novels rise to the point of plagiarism.

45. The airing of beauty pageants on television should be banned because despite their intentions of empowering and supporting women, the practice of parading contestants around in obscene clothes and judging them based on their appearance contradicts their proclaimed motives.

Wrap Up

A strong thesis statement means your paper is off to a good start. Not only will it help in improving the content of your essay, it will also allow readers to grasp the core purpose of your paper at a glance and encourage them to keep reading.

These thesis statements should give you an idea of how to better refine the description for your thesis in a way that fully captures the idea you want to express.

About Author

Cassie Riley has a passion for all things marketing and social media. She is a wife, mother, and entrepreneur. In her spare time, she enjoys traveling, language, music, writing, and unicorns. Cassie is a lifetime learner, and loves to spend time attending classes, webinars, and summits.