Annual Income: What Does It Mean, & How To Calculate Your Income?

If you start working or doing business today, you’ll earn money that will become annual income. What if you can’t ascertain the amount of money you make each year? In that case, there are easy calculations you may apply to figure it out.

There are several sorts of revenue, and understanding them can help you make the most accurate projections possible.

We’ll look at what annual income is, the different kinds of payments, and how to compute your yearly income in various scenarios.

Come with me!

What is Annual Income?

Source: Sharon McCutcheon from Unsplash

Annual income is the amount of money you make in a given year before deductions. It’s essential to recall the concept of yearly income by breaking it down word by word. Annual refers to the year, and income refers to money generated.

Your net yearly income and family income are necessary to build a budget, ask for a mortgage, or establish child support.

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What Is Gross Annual Income?

Gross annual income is how much money you make each year before deductions and taxes. When preparing and completing your income tax return, your gross yearly income should be the starting point.

You’ll have a better sense of what taxes you’ll owe or get back if you understand your gross income. The gross yearly income is also used to determine your eligibility for a loan or credit card.

Your business’s gross income is reported on your tax return. That is the figure that investors use to assess the viability of a business. The total sales determine the gross income without the cost of products sold.

Types of Income

Source: Katie Harp from Unsplash

There are three types of income that we’re going to explore.

Earned Income

The amount of money you make from working. Wages, salaries, commissions, overtime pay, tips, and bonuses are all examples of earned income. Self-employment is also considered a source of revenue.

Portfolio Income

Your portfolio income is also referred to as an investment portfolio. It is the money you make from your investments. Interest, stock dividends, royalties from investment assets, and capital gains are all examples of portfolio income.

Unearned Income

Unearned income, commonly referred to as passive income, is money you receive without working for it. It is not a remuneration for services or commodities given. Receiving gifts and donations, such as inheritances, can be an unearned source of income.

Also, social security, welfare, unemployment payments, lottery or gaming winnings, and gifts are all examples of unearned income.

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What to Include in Annual Income?

Source: Mathieu Stern from Unsplash

Annual revenue consists of a range of different forms of income. Lenders, credit businesses, and government agencies may request the computation of your yearly income. The following list summarizes the numerous sources of revenue that you might include in your annual income:

Employment income and salary: Employment income is your income, wages, overtime pay, gratuities, and bonuses, minus deductions. All of the revenue you earn during the year is included in your yearly income.

Business income and self-employment: This category comprises all revenue earned through self-employment and business ownership.

Pensions and social security: Both are included in your annual income. They are designated for retirees, disabled employees, and their dependents.

Alimony and child support: Any money you get from spousal support and child support is part of your total income for the year. Child maintenance must be court-ordered for three years to be included in your yearly income computation.

Capital gains: Financial profits made on the sale of an asset. Profits from the sale of a car, property, stock, or merchandise are included in your annual income.

Rental income: If you rent out your home for at least six months, you may be able to get part of your annual income from the rent you get from it.

Apart from that, interest and income earned from investments are added to yearly revenue. Also, income earned through the sale of stocks, real estate, or other income-generating assets is included in the annual income.

Not to forget, your annual income consists of any interest earned on savings accounts.

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How to Calculate Annual Income?

Source: Mikhail Nilov from Pexels

Knowing how much money you make per year is a crucial first step in budgeting and managing your finances. Calculating your annual pay is slightly different based on the payment and how frequently you are paid.

Once you know how much your total yearly income is, you may compare it to data on what people in your sector or other occupations are earning. After that, you might be able to utilize this information to negotiate a better wage.

Make a comprehensive list of your income sources, then note down how much money you earn from each source.

Calculation of Annual Income

You can add up any income you receive across the year.

For example, if you earned $100 in interest payments, $1,000 in capital gains, and $12,000 in child support, you’d put all these together, and the total income would be $13,100.

Calculation of Monthly Income

A basic calculation is required for any new monthly revenue. Since a year has twelve months, multiply your monthly income by 12.

For example, If your rental income is $2,000 per month and your self-employment revenue is $500 per month, your monthly earnings would be $2,500. Multiply your monthly earnings of $2,500 by 12 months. That means your annual income figure will be $30,000.

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Calculation of Hourly Wage

Source: Karolina Grabowskaf from Pexels

You can calculate your earnings based on your hourly wage and weekly work hours. Make a mental note of your hourly wage at this point.

You’ll need at least one paycheck to figure out your real hourly wage. Your net income is the sum of money you get from your salary. Keep track of how much money you get from each paycheck.

Determine the number of hours you worked to earn that much money by looking at your pay stub. Divide your total earnings by the number of hours you worked. That is your hourly wage.

For instance,

You earn $12 per hour before taxes and work 40 hours a week. You worked 80 hours and collected a $672 remuneration for two weeks of work. After taxes, you calculate your actual hourly wage by dividing $672 by 80 hours. You’ll end up with $8.40 as your hourly wage.

Estimate Hourly Earnings

You can calculate your yearly employment income based on your hourly wage. Depending on the circumstances and information needed, you’ll utilize your adjusted hourly gross and wage. When you need to present proof of take-home pay, your adjusted hourly income may be helpful.

Since that is the money your prior employer paid you, use your gross hourly income when disclosing your salary history to a future employer.

Calculate your weekly wage by multiplying your hourly wage by the number of hours you work each week. To represent 52 workweeks in a year, multiply that number by 52. Your adjusted hourly wage gives you a more accurate picture of how much money you get from each paycheck.

For example, You earn $8.40 an hour and work 40 hours per week. Your annual employment income would be $17,472 if you calculated $8.40 times 40 hours times 52 weeks.

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Calculation of Annual Earnings

To calculate your annual income, combine your yearly, monthly, and hourly earnings.

For example,

Add your yearly earnings of $13,100 to your monthly payments of $30,000 and your hourly wages of $17,472, and it gives you $60,572 as your gross annual revenue.

Types of Deductions

Once you know all of the deductions taken from your paycheck, calculating your net yearly income from your gross annual income is simple. Check your pay stubs to identify where and how much money has been withheld.

Mandatory Deductions

Source: Nataliya Vaitkevich from Pexels

Mandatory deductions are deducted from your paycheck automatically and you do not have to choose whether or not to pay them. The following are examples of compulsory deductions from your paycheck:

Federal, State, and Local Income Tax

Taxation is the most common deduction from virtually all paychecks. The first $9,525 of your income is taxed at 10%. Then every dollar from $9,526 to $38,700 is taxed at 12%.

Federal, state, and local taxes potentially deducting a percentage of your salary may sum up a large portion of your earnings. Several states have no income tax, while others have rates as high as 9.9%.

FICA Taxes (Federal Insurance Contributions Act)

FICA taxes may appear on your pay stubs as a single item or as two separate deductions, one for Medicare Tax (1.45%) and the other for Social Security (6.2% on the first $132,900). These taxes help fund programs to be available when you need them.

Child Support

Persons who owe child support and make one-time payments may have their money directly deducted from their income. It will be delivered to the parent or guardian who has custody of the child.

Tax Liens

Finally, if you have failed to pay taxes in the past, you may be subject to direct garnishment. The federal and local governments have the right to place a lien on your income until you pay the overdue taxes.

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Voluntary Deduction

Source: Miles Burke from Unsplash

Voluntary deductions are monies taken out of your salary without your permission, usually to give a benefit. The following are examples of standard voluntary deductions from your gross annual income:

Union Dues

Unions represent a company’s employees in collective bargaining to improve working conditions, benefits, and salary. Dues are automatically collected from employees who are members of the union to finance the union’s operations.

Investment Accounts

Many employees automatically choose to have a portion of their paycheck transferred into a savings or retirement account. Many businesses match all 401K payments, making it a potentially lucrative deduction in the long run.

Savings Bonds

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Savings bonds are the safest investment option since they are backed by the United States government, making them highly secure. You may make deductions to contribute automatically to the purchase of secured bonds.

Insurance Premiums

Employee contributions to premiums are expected in employer-provided insurance programs. The most convenient method to pay these premiums is to have them deducted directly from your paycheck.

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If you have a favorite charitable cause, your employer may be able to set up automatic contributions that go straight to the organization.

What is the Significance of Calculating Annual Income?

Source: Nataliya Vaitkevich from Pexels

Getting to know your annual income is essential for long-term financial planning. You can use this information to establish an appropriate budget after learning how much money you will make in a year.

It also enables you to evaluate your capacity to take on additional financial commitments, such as applying for a mortgage on a new house or obtaining a loan to purchase a car, and setting realistic savings strategies.

It’s simpler to spend and save money sensibly when you have a precise estimate of how much money you’ll make.

The Difference Between Wage and Salary

Source: Ibrahim Rifath from Unsplash

If someone is paid a salary, they are paid a set amount of money over a certain period. The money an individual earns is unrelated to the number of hours they labor.

For example, if your annual pay is $124,000 and you are paid once a week, you will be paid $2,000 every week ($124,000 divided by 52 weeks) regardless of how many hours you work.

On the flip side, wages are calculated based on hours worked. If a wage employee is paid $50 per hour worked, they will earn $2,000 after a 40-hour week. The amount is multiplied by the number of hours worked.

Besides, if the same wage worker works only 20 hours a week, at the end of the week, they will have earned $1,000.

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After-Tax Income

Source: Nataliya Vaitkevich from Pexels

After-tax income is when all taxes have been deducted from net income. In other words, after-tax income is just gross income without taxes.

The after-tax income indicates the total disposable income available to spend after all relevant taxes have been deducted. Individuals and companies’ after-tax income is calculated after all taxes, including federal and withholding taxes, have been removed. However, local taxes, like property taxes and sales, might also be included.

While the formula for calculating after-tax income appears straightforward, it can deduct several sorts of taxes. Federal, provincial, and state taxes are often subtracted. Withholding taxes withheld from an individual’s salary are deducted from after-tax income estimates and paid directly to the government.

Local taxes can be subtracted from the total. Provincial or territorial taxes may include healthcare premiums in some jurisdictions.

These jurisdictions also allow tax credits and government-funded tax breaks to promote certain behaviors, like small-business investment. Tax credits would lower the amount of taxes deducted and raise after-tax income if available.

How to Calculate After-Tax Income?

Source: Karolina Grabowska from Pexels

After-tax income is calculated using the following formula:

After-Tax Income (equals) Gross Income (minus) Taxes

The Formula for After-Tax Income

Deduct total taxes from gross income to arrive at the after-tax income.

For example, assume that a person earns $50,000 per year and is taxed at 12%. As a result, this person’s after-tax income would be $44,000. It would cost $6,000 per year in taxes.

The formula for computing after-tax income for companies is the same as for individuals, except that gross income is substituted with net income.

Total revenue minus costs and losses equal net income. Corporations declare their net income on the income statement when compiling year-end financials.

After calculating net income, the firm will subtract all relevant taxes to determine after-tax income. In general, businesses prefer to show increased after-tax profits as an indication of success.

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Net Income After Taxes (NIAT)

Source: ANTONI SHKRABA fro Pexels

After-tax income is comparable to (NIAT), except it pertains to corporations rather than individuals. The net income after taxes, also known as profit or net earnings, is the amount of money left after all costs have been deducted.

Operating expenditures, interest, dividends, and depreciation are deducted from net income after taxes.

After taxes, the net income is an essential metric in corporate finance since it indicates the residual profit for owners. A greater NIAT usually means a better share price for publicly listed corporations.

Example – Assume that a person in San Francisco earns $75,000 per year. The individual must pay 14.13 percent federal income taxes and 5.43 percent state income taxes.

All employees must give 8.65% to federal insurance contributions (FICA), which help fund social security and unemployment insurance programs.

To know an individual’s after-tax income, we must first figure out their total taxes by adding their tax rates together:


14.13% + 5.43% + 8.65% = 28.21%.

$21,157.50 = $75,000 x 0.2821

As a result, the person’s total yearly taxes will be $21,157

Let us see how much money they make after taxes:

After-Tax Income (equals)Gross Income (minus) Taxes

$75,000 – $21,157.50 = $53,842.50

The individual’s annual after-tax income will be $53,842

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What is Earnings Before Tax (EBT)?

Source: Tima Miroshnichenko from Pexels

EBT (earnings before taxes) is a metric used to assess a company’s financial progress. It is a strategy for calculating a company’s earnings before taxes are deducted.

On a company’s income statement, EBT is a line item. It depicts a company’s profitability after deducting the cost of goods sold (COGS), interest, expenditures, and other operational expenses. The calculation is revenue minus costs without taxes.

Understanding EBT

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Before subtracting tax charges, a company’s EBT is the money it keeps internally. It’s a metric for calculating a company’s operational and non-operating earnings. EBT is calculated in the same way by all organizations.

EBT is estimated by analysts and accountants using that specific financial statement. It only takes information from the income statement. As the top-line figure, a company’s revenue will be recorded first.

Example –

If a corporation sells 30 widgets for $1,000 each in January, its monthly revenue is $30,000. The corporation calculates its COGs and deducts that amount from the $30,000 income.

If a single widget costs $100 to make, the company’s COGS for January is $3,000. This translates to $27,000 in total income. That means $30,000 minus $3,000 = $27,000.

After calculating gross revenue, a corporation adds up all its operational expenditures and subtracts that amount from the gross income. A company’s running costs might include expenses linked to its day-to-day operations, such as salaries and wages, rent, and other overhead expenses.

Suppose the company is a technological firm with significant human capital expenditures. In that case, wages of $10,000 per month and $1,000 per month rent are possible. Because of the higher production costs would have to deduct $11,000 in total overhead from its gross sales.

Using our example above, the resulting earnings before interest, tax, depreciation, and amortization (EBITDA) for this tech business is $16,000.

If the firm has no physical assets and instead rents computers and server space from Amazon, the company’s profits before interest and taxes (EBIT) would be $16,000. Its EBT would be $15,000 if it had $1,000 in monthly interest charges.

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This article has covered all you need to know about annual income and how to calculate it. It shows how you can compute yearly net income accurately and read these directions and insights. Remember, the calculation differs from one person to another.

We might earn the same income, but we have different expenses. So, use those examples to see how you can tailor your figures to fit your circumstances.

About Author

Cassie Riley has a passion for all things marketing and social media. She is a wife, mother, and entrepreneur. In her spare time, she enjoys traveling, language, music, writing, and unicorns. Cassie is a lifetime learner, and loves to spend time attending classes, webinars, and summits.