Padlet vs Jamboard – Which Is Better?

Collaborative digital workspaces are becoming popular every day because many people have embraced working remotely. Online boards are one of the most popular digital spaces you can use to foster collaboration through brainstorming and working on projects.

However, there are so many tools you can choose from. If you are new to this, you may not know what to look for or even where to start. This article will describe two popular tools for connecting and sharing ideas on digital boards: Padlet and Jamboard.

The two have some similar features and differ in many ways. I have described the features of each tool and highlighted the features that make them stand out.

I hope that this article will guide you in selecting the tool that will work best for you.

Let’s compare Padlet and Jamboard.

What Is Padlet?

Padlet is an online noticeboard that lets you create digital content, including images, video, audio, and documents using custom layouts and templates. You can choose to make your creation public or private with Padlet.

This collaborative tool lets you work with others. Here, you can brainstorm and work on projects. Students, teachers, professionals, and individuals can work together to create and collaborate.

How Does Padlet Work?

To use Padlet, you will first need to create an account, then access the paid or free versions of the board.

Padlet works like paper on your screen. You start with an empty page and then add whatever content you like such as videos, photos, texts, and documents. The app has features like drag and drop and copy and paste, making adding content to your board easier.

You can invite others to collaborate on your board as they do not need an account with Padlet to work with you. Padlet lets you work with unlimited contributors. The admin can permit others to read or edit the board and revoke these permissions at any time.

Once you have finished creating your content, you can simply hit publish to share your work with other users or embed it on your social media platforms.

What Is Jamboard?

Jamboard is a G-Suite digital whiteboard that schools and businesses can use to collaborate anytime and anywhere.

Colleagues and students can work together to create jams, edit them, and share them using a mobile device, web browser, or Jamboard device.

Explore the best alternatives to Jamboard in this post.

How Does Jamboard Work?

Jamboard works on a mobile device, tablet, or with Jamboard hardware. You get an interactive canvas similar to a whiteboard. Also, you can add notes, images, or web content to the board and collaborate with your team in real time.

The Jamboard device gives you the ultimate whiteboard experience on screen. The 55-inch, 4K device is easy to move around and comes with a stylus with handwriting and shape recognition function that makes it as easy to use as just using a pen on a whiteboard.

Jamboard works with other Google G-Suite apps, including Google Docs, Slides, Sheets, Drive, and Calendar.



Padlet is a tool mainly used by students, teachers, and professionals. Though anyone can also use it if they wish to create or collaborate.

Because of its versatility, you can use Padlet in almost any setting that requires real-time collaboration.

You can go live on the app, create a hub where teammates or students can post their views, or create exit tickets during meetings.

Like on Facebook and LinkedIn, you can create a public profile on Padlet and use it as a portfolio to showcase your best work.

Padlet also lets contributors follow your profile so that they can keep updated about your work. Here, you can also join a community you share common interests with.

You can also use Padlet as a source of inspiration. Besides, you can search for specific topics and discover Padlets that others have created. You can also borrow templates from others and remake them as your own.


Jamboard has a simple interface that allows anybody to collaborate on a jam in real time. It is mostly used in schools and businesses to foster teamwork and collaboration.

It works just like a whiteboard and is thus an excellent tool for brainstorming during business meetings. Teachers can use it as a teaching tool and a replacement for the traditional classroom board.

Key Features


Padlet has amazing features that enhance performance and collaboration. Here are the features of Padlet.

Universal and Inclusive – Padlet is available in 42 languages, and more are constantly being added. As a result, you can collaborate with other users around the globe.

Collaboration features – Here, you can invite others to collaborate using a link. It doesn’t matter if they have an account with Padlet; they can still collaborate on your projects. You can also work with unlimited collaborators and others to remake your work as a template for their own.

It supports multiple file formats – With this function, you can upload almost any content from your computer, including images, videos, music, and documents. You can even upload files from apps like Autocad, Illustrator, and Photoshop. The function also lets you embed content from the internet, including Instagram, YouTube, Twitter, Vimeo, The New York Times, and 400 other apps.

Beautiful and fun interface – You get beautiful previews for attachments, colorful wallpapers, and great typography. You can also choose from multiple themes, including typewriter and comic book.

Padlet is Flexible and Versatile – Here you get three different layouts: an open canvas, a feed of information, and a square board. It also includes organizational tools such as wallpapers from the KWL chart, Venn Diagram, a Todo list, and a calendar. You can also utilize sticky notes to make private notes.


Jamboard has great features to help you maximize your output on the app. The features include

Stylus – This is a pen-like device that you use to write on the board.

Laser pointer – This device is used to direct your audience to the content you are describing on the Jamboard interface.

Sticky notes – You can use sticky notes to make personalized notes or take notes during brainstorming.

Shape recognition – The feature will convert drawn images into clearer images.

Access to other apps in the Google G-Suite – You can save your work on Google Drive and upload documents from Google Docs, Sheets, and Slides. You can even schedule and host meetings on Google Meet.

OS Compatibility


Padlet is available for iOS devices, including iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch, and you can download the app from Apple App Store. You can also access it on Android and Kindle devices and download the apps on Google Play Store and Amazon App Store, respectively.


The Jamboard app is available for Android and iOS, and you can download the apps from Google Play Store and Apple App Store.



Padlet comes with a gallery of premade templates. You can use these templates to create your content. On the other hand, you can check out templates from other users as inspiration. Also, you can remake these templates as your own.

You can check out the gallery to see templates from other users that you can remake.


Jamboard does not have templates. Instead, it comes as a whiteboard and lets you add content.

The board, however, comes with a feature that lets you customize your board using some premade backgrounds.

User Interface


Padlet has an intuitive user interface and beginners will find it easy to use. You can use the click, drag and drop, or copy and paste function to add content to your board.

The app has integrated sight, sound, and touch into the application to make it easier for your mind to learn how to use it. The autosave function of Padlet ensures that you will not lose your work. Also, you will keep working without fearing losing your work and starting over again.

Sharing your content has been made easier. You can invite others for collaboration with a link.


The developers created Jambard to mimic the traditional whiteboard, especially when using the Jamboard hardware. The hardware is easy to move around the office or classroom.

In addition, it has an intelligent and easy-to-use interface. Jamboard also comes with a handwriting and shapes recognition function so that your handwriting is legible.

It even comes with a stylus you can use as a pen, and if you make a mistake, you can erase it with your finger.

Personal Workspaces


Padlet allows you to have private workspaces to work on your project and protect it from access by unauthorized parties.

On Padlet, you can choose from five opinions: Public, Totally Private, Password Protected, Secret, and Organization. Thus, you select the level of privacy that works for you. On any of the options, you can choose who has access to the board and to what extent they can collaborate.


The administrator has the right to restrict access to the work. Thus, you can create a personal workspace as the admin and decide if you want others to access your project.

Jamboard devices allow up to 16 touchpoints, which means that up to 16 individuals can work on the device. However, an entire team can join when working from phones, tablets, and other Jamboards.



Padlet lets you export PDF, Excel, Image, and CSV files. You can also embed your created Padlets on your blog or website.

The app easily integrates with social media apps like Facebook, Twitter, and Slack. You will get beautiful displays to show your friends and family on social media.

Also Read: Best Note Taking Apps With Stylus


Jamboard can only integrate with apps from the Google G-Suite, including Google Docs, Slides, and Sheets. You can save your Jams on Google Drive and share them on Gmail.

Additionally, you can schedule your meetings on Google Calendar and use Google Meet as a platform to have your meetings.

Interactive Display


Padlet does not have a dedicated hardware device that you can use to access it. You can, however, use your mobile phone or a personal computer to access it.


Jamboard has developed a 55-inch digital whiteboard that you can use to access the app. The device comes with a 4k UHD display and a 60 Hz video refresh rate.

The device lets you access the Cloud AI, to enhance collaboration. It uses handwriting recognition software that you can use to convert your handwriting into text. The auto-draw function lets you sketch perfect drawings.



Padlet has a Get Started page where you can get more information on how to use the tool. You will learn how to create your own Padlet and also get more information on what it is and its accessibility.

Moreover, Padlet has a YouTube Channel with educational videos. The videos aim to educate users on the tool and how to use it. It also teaches them how to achieve maximum productivity when using the platform.


Jamboard has created resources to help users know how to use the tool for maximum productivity effectively.

In addition to the help page where users can learn more about the tool from the community and the frequently asked question, there is a YouTube channel.

The channel is dedicated to teaching users using Google Digital Workspaces, including Jamboard. The videos have everything you need to know how to use the tool.

The tool also has a Teachers Lounge. Here, you get videos on how to use the tool but in a more systematic way. Also, you get access to training lessons and resources. You can also sign up to receive updates, resources, and insights in your email.



Weh using Padlet, you will get personalized assistance from their support team. The support team is available around the clock to address any queries from users. You can contact them through email or reach them on Twitter and Facebook.

You also get a gallery and video tutorials on how to use Padlet. There is a user forum where you may get answers to your questions.


You can email Jamboard, chat with them, or call them if you have any queries. There is also a help page with questions and answers. Here, you may find answers to your questions.

You can also get support from the community.



Padlet has different pricing options for personal, team, business, and school use, and you can check them out on their Membership Page.

The Personal package has Neon, Gold, and Platinum. The Neon Plan has three Padlets, and you can upload up to 20MB of data; this is a free package. The Gold Plan comes with 20 Padlets and 100 MB. The Platinum Plan comes with unlimited Padlets and 500MB.

The Team package is for individuals and small businesses, and it comes with a free plan called Team Neon with three Padlets and 20 MB. It also comes with a Team Gold plan with unlimited Padlets and 1GB.

The Business plan costs $12 per month or $99 per year, and it has unlimited Padlets and 500MB.

The School plan comes with unlimited Padlets. Students can access this plan for free, but the cost is based on the number of teachers and admins.

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Jamboard is a free app, and you can use it for free on your mobile device and website through a web-based platform.

You can purchase the Google Jamboard Display if you want the complete experience with Jamboard at $4,999. You will also be required to pay an annual fee of $600.

Padlet vs Jamboard: Similarities and Differences


  • Both platforms allow real-time collaboration.
  • Both apps integrate well with apps. You can upload or copy content from other apps to the boards.
  • Both come with an intuitive interface that makes them easy to use.
  • You can access both on your mobile devices and through a web-based app.


  • Jamboard is completely free. The free version of Padlet lets you access a limited number of Padlets.
  • Jamboard lets you sketch using a stylus, but you cannot sketch using a writing device on Padlet.
  • Padlet has social media functions while Jamboard doesn’t.
  • Padlet lets you embed your content onto the web and social media while Jamboard lacks that feature.
  • Jamboard has hardware that increases your efficiency and productivity while Padlet doesn’t.

Padlet vs Jamboard: Pros and Cons



  • It is easy to use and the user interface is intuitive and customizable.
  • You can use a free version if you do not want to purchase the pro version.
  • Inviting others to collaborate on your project is easy, just send them an invitation link.
  • It is available on several platforms, and you can use it on your mobile devices and personal computer.
  • It can integrate with more than 400 apps. You can upload data using different formats from these apps.
  • It comes with various themes, layouts, and designs for you.
  • You can repurpose a used template.
  • It allows for collaboration and communication between users.
  • The privacy setting allows users to control the levels of collaboration.
  • You can easily embed your content on blogs, websites, and social media platforms.


  • You must upgrade to the paid version to access more futures.



  • Jamboard is a free app. You do not need to purchase the app to access and use it.
  • It is very simple and easy to use.
  • If you are familiar with Google tools, including Google G-Suite, using Jamboard will be very easy.
  • You can easily access files on your Google G-Suite apps like Google Docs, Sheets, Slides, and Drive.
  • If you are used to a physical whiteboard, using Jamboard will be very easy.


  • Jamboard has very few templates and features.


Jamboard is a simple app that functions well as a collaborative tool for classrooms and organizations. However, I prefer Padlet to Jamboard because it offers additional features that increase its functionality.

Padlet provides numerous templates. It allows you to upload content from over 400 apps. Besides creating a portfolio on Padlet, you can also share your content, see what others have created, and copy templates you like from other users.

About Author

Tom loves to write on technology, e-commerce & internet marketing.
Tom has been a full-time internet marketer for two decades now, earning millions of dollars while living life on his own terms. Along the way, he’s also coached thousands of other people to success.