15 Best Qlikview Dashboard Examples

Analyzing your data is important for the continued success of your business.

If you don’t track your sales, leads, and conversion rates, you will have no way of knowing whether you are reaching your goals and what you can do to improve your success. 

Using a data analytics software will allow you to understand what is going on in your business, where you are succeeding, where you are failing, how you are failing, and what you can do to improve.

Data intelligence is the core secret behind the success of any well-performing business.

Qlikview is a data analytics solution that helps you analyze your company’s performance. In this article, you will learn what Qlik is, how you can use it to reach your goals, why you should set up a Qlikview dashboard, and examples of the best Qlikview dashboards types to use. 

What Is Qlikview? 

Qlik is a data intelligence and end-to-end cloud data integration solution for modern businesses. Just like Grafana, Tableau, Power BI and others, it gathers data from various sources and puts them together in easy to understand visual dashboards. 

The problem is that a lot of businesses collect a lot of data and information, but the sheer amount of data they collect often prevents them from putting the data together and presenting the data in an analytics-ready fashion. 

What Qlik does is exactly that: They take your raw data and turn it into actionable information by presenting it to you in an easy-to-understand dashboard. 

Qlik indexes every minute detail and every last data point and puts them all together. It gives you a birds-eye view of what is going on in your company, in your marketing campaign, in your team, or in your retail store. 

Having a lot of data is useless if you can not connect the dots and get that peripheral view. 

It can be used for a lot more than business reasons, however. All kinds of institutions can use it, including healthcare institutions. 

There are various dashboards available, depending on the type of business you run and the data you are tracking.

Every business has its own KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) that they need to track, and different dashboards will be conducive to tracking different KPIs. 

In this article, we will go over the top 15 Qlikview dashboard examples. 

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Best Qlikview Dashboard Examples

1. Qlik Data Market

The Qlik Data Market dashboard integrates internal data from your own company and external data from various other sources. It blends the data together so you can get an accurate picture of whatever you are tracking. 

Qlik has external international data that can help you see the big global picture.

For example, by comparing internet sales in specific countries with the overall internet population, you can get a better idea of how many people are buying things online. 

Alternatively, you may think that you are making a lot of sales in a specific country.

However, if you look at per-capita sales and take the population of both that specific country and other countries into account, it may turn out that you are making more sales per capita in other countries, even if your total sales in those other countries are lower. 

In other words, one of the benefits of using Qlik is that you can compare your data to the built-in global data to get a more accurate picture of where you are holding industry-wise. 

2. HelpDesk Management

This dashboard is great for those managing a customer support team. It allows you to view which tickets are not being resolved yet and which high-priority tickets need to be responded to. 

You will be able to see how many open cases have not been resolved, how many new cases there are, and how long it is taking to resolve tickets, on average, based on department. 

In addition, it will show you which IT resources are dealing with the most requests and what kind of request types (such as General IT Support vs. a Software Request) are more common.  

When looking at open cases, you will be able to see what types of requests are more likely to be open and how different departments compare to each other in terms of open cases. 

Some departments, for example, may have a lot of open cases because they are not doing a good job in resolving those cases, either due to being inefficient or due to not having accurate knowledge. 

Digging a bit deeper, you can see an overview of the open cases in terms of age. 

For example, if a lot of open cases are over a month old, you may want to figure out what kind of cases are more likely to remain open over a long period of time.

This will allow you to figure out how to resolve those types of cases quicker so that your customers and clients are satisfied. 

Digging even further, you can view which resources or customer support representatives are dealing with the most cases based on priority.

For example, you will be able to see which IT resources are dealing with a lot of high-priority cases and which are dealing with a lot of low-priority cases.  

You can see visual graphs of case distribution based on resources and other helpful charts and graphs. 

Under Case Details, you can see exactly what the details of each case are.

For example, you will be able to see which client opened the ticket, what their issue was, when they opened the ticket, the status of the ticket (open/resolved), when the ticket was resolved, and so on. 

This can allow you to step in and take control of a case by resolving it yourself if your employees are not able to do it themselves. 

3. Credit Risk

The credit risk dashboard allows financial organizations to get a clear picture of the financial risks faced by any institution at any time. 

For example, if you are a lender, you may want to know whether the business you are lending money to is a “high-risk” borrower or is more financially stable. 

There are a lot of data points that need to be taken into account, and this Qlikview dashboard gathers all of them and presents them in a manner that is easy to comprehend. For example, you can see current exposure, utilization rates, and returns on assets and equity. 

You can also compare two different data sets. 

4. Human Resources

The Human Resources dashboard lets you get an overview of your employees and their performance levels. For example, you can see the employee turnover rate, new hires, salaries, terminations, and much more. 

If you are looking for places to build your new offices, look on the map to see where your employees are located.

When looking at the geographical map, you can set filters to see employees based on things such as gender, employee level (first-line management vs. senior management, for example), and division (such as IT support vs. operations). 

The central dashboard will show you the turnover rate of the current year vs. the previous year, the hire rate of this year vs. the previous year, the retirement of this year vs. the previous year, and various other metrics.

This can help you see whether your business is losing employees and what you can do about it. 

The Breakdown section will break down the data about your employees. For example, you will be able to see a pie chart breaking down the gender of your employees, a graph showing age ranges, headcounts for each division, and more. 

As before, you will be able to filter based on level, division, and business area. 

You can dig further in the Hires and Terminations section, where you will see a breakdown of hires and termination based on division and gender. In the Absence and Overtime section, you will see a breakdown of absences and overtime work. 

The Employee Profile section lets you pick any employee from any division and see their complete profile. This includes their age, gender, phone number, years employed, annual salary, termination reason (if applicable), manager, and much more. 

All in all, the HR dashboard is the perfect dashboard for HR management as it gives you a complete overview of your team. 

5. Retail Store Performance

This dashboard, as its name suggests, allows you to analyze the performance of any retail store. Not only does it analyze the performance of the specific branch, but it takes into account the corporate strategy to determine whether the branch is reaching corporate’s goals. 

In the central dashboard, you will see total sales, as well as sales breakdown by branch. You will also be able to determine how many sales are coming in from each region. 

You can also break down the sales and see charts and graphs displaying trends. Alternatively, you can view the store map to see a breakdown of each store, with data such as who is the manager, store type, store budget, and sales. 

Finally, you can go to the Customer Satisfaction section to see customer satisfaction trends as well as customer satisfaction levels for certain categories (such as customer service and product quality) and how you match up to your customer satisfaction goals. 

6. University Admissions

This dashboard type is best for university admissions boards. They can use it to input their own data and see how well they are performing in terms of university admissions from different regions and for different courses. 

Not only that, but they can match that up with benchmark data already in the system. This can help universities figure out where they are holding and whether they are exceeding the benchmark standard or are falling behind. 

You can see admissions and conversion rates, broken down by institution, location, attendance type (such as distance learning vs. part-time vs. full time), department (such as School of Arts vs. School of Education), course group, and more. 

7. Salesforce

If you work with Salesforce, you can view all of your Salesforce CRM data straight from your Qlikview dashboard. In the central dashboard, you will see all of your main information, while you can break down specific data areas in more specific dashboard views. 

For example, you can analyze your accounts, see which countries have the most accounts, and analyze your top products and product demand trends. 

You can also analyze the performance of your sales reps. Different graphs will help you determine which sales reps are the best performing and which are bringing in the best results. 

All in all, if you use Salesforce, Qlikview is a great way to visually view your data in a clear, easy to understand manner. 

8. Expense Management

This is a good dashboard to use if you want to explore how your company is managing its finances, where your money is going, and how you are meeting your budget. 

The benefit of using this dashboard over a standard application is that you can drill even further into where your money is going, which unexpected expenses are adding up to cut into your budget, and how your employees are spending your money. 

The central dashboard details your total spend over the past year and the past quarter, and it will tell you if you went over your set budget.

It will also show you spending by category (such as travel) and whether you exceeded your budget for each category, spending by department, and spending per employee. 

The Expense Breakdown section gives you pie charts and graphs to help you quickly see how much of your spending is going to different expenditures and which employees or departments are spending the most. 

You can also go to the Employee Expense section to see spending by individual employees so you can see which employees are overspending and plug those gaps. 

9. Campaign Performance

This is the dashboard you want if you are trying to analyze the success of your marketing campaigns. 

It will gather all of your internal data and give you a clear picture of how well you are doing, with the central dashboard giving you important data such as lead health and responses generated by your campaign over time. 

The Campaign Profile section will give you a clear picture of which campaigns are performing well and bringing you the best results, while the Campaign Performance section will divide targets by marketing lead scores. 

10. Executive Dashboard

The Executive Dashboard lets you view your company’s performance from high up. You can see the total sales you made, what your target was, and whether you reached your target. 

You can also track your expenses, your receivables, your inventory, and your revenue trends. 

In the Sales Analysis section, you can drill down into your sales trends over time, your sales by region, your sales by customer, and much more. 

In The Expenses dashboard, you can see whether you have exceeded your budget and on what expenses you ended up spending the most money. 

11. Asset Management

This dashboard helps you track all of your assets. In the main dashboard view, you can see your total assets under your management, as well as the percentage of your assets that are equity, fixed income, alternatives, and any other assets. 

It will also show the total value of each of those assets.

In the Investment profile dashboard, you can analyze different investments, see how much different fund sizes amount to, and see a risk profile for each investment. There are also tabs called Investment Screener, Commissions, and a few others. 

12. Retail Banking Sales And Customer Targeting

This dashboard is for banking sales reps and branch managers. 

In the main dashboard view, you will be able to see your KPI scorecard, sales trends, and what percentage of your goals were reached. 

You can also see the accounts of customers or small businesses in their respective dashboards. 

13. Data Visualization

This dashboard will help you learn how to use the Qlikview application to present your data in the best possible way. 

You will be presented with box plots, trend charts, and various other data visualization charts that you can customize through copy and paste. 

14. Log Analysis

This dashboard is for IT people who are analyzing user behaviors and operating system logs. 

It can help IT people measure how well the operating system is performing, whether there are any errors, and when and why these errors are occurring. 

15. The Operational Dashboard

The Operational Dashboard is designed to give you a quick view of the data you need to know about the most. 

Unlike other dashboards, these dashboards are not designed to be interactive, nor do they show you your progress towards your goals. 

They are strictly designed to give you an idea of where you are holding at the current moment. 

Wrapping It Up

Regardless of what kind of business or institution you are running and the type of management position you have, Qlikview is possibly the best data intelligence machine out there. 

By using Qlikview, you can gain a competitive advantage by understanding the data in a way that your competitors do not. 

About Author

Ben Levin is a Hubspot certified content marketing professional and SEO expert with 6 years of experience and a strong passion for writing and blogging. His areas of specialty include personal finance, tech, and marketing. He loves exploring new topics and has also written about HVAC repair to dog food recommendations. Ben is currently pursuing a bachelor's in computer science, and his hobbies include motorcycling, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, and Muay Thai.