15 Best Power BI Sales Dashboard Examples

Data visualization software enables you to turn any data into a visual story. A dashboard is a visualization of business-critical data, presented in an easily digestible format.

With dashboards created by the likes of Adobe, Heathrow Airport, and some from Microsoft, there are a lot of diverse and incredibly useful Power BI Sales dashboards out there for you to take inspiration from.

Below, we have listed 15 of the best-looking, most functional, and highly intuitive dashboards.

What Is Power BI?

Data is an asset and it is highly valuable to businesses. But data alone is difficult to understand and challenging to comprehend.

Microsoft’s Power BI is a data visualization tool. It enables users to create dynamic and interactive visualizations of data. Microsoft claims that it is simple enough for anybody to be able to create an effective dashboard and that it can be used by students and schools, as well as data professionals and marketing teams.

Through the Power BI community, and other external websites and communities, it is possible to view example dashboards. Use the dashboards to digest big data on a variety of topics or use the examples to give you pointers on creating your very own data dashboard.

If you see a sample that you like and that could be modified to your own end, you can also get in touch with the partner that provided it and have them modify something specifically for you.

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15 Best Power BI Sales Dashboard Examples

1. Customer Analysis Dashboard

The Customer Analysis Dashboard gives sales, revenue, and profit figures by product, region, and customer name, as well as by sales channel. You can also group products according to your own preference, so you could group according to the type of product or the sales value, for example.

A lot of sales dashboards concentrate primarily on the products. Others may look solely at marketing channels to determine whether social media marketing is more profitable and turning more revenue than email marketing.

The customer analysis dashboard looks at revenue and sales using customer-based data. Although it will work best for companies that sell their products to a limited number of clients, the ability to group customers means that it can be used by any company regardless of the customer base size. For example, group customers by region and you can see a heatmap that shows which customer regions perform best.

As well as general revenue, you can see total profit, growth compared to the year before, and profit margins by customer. Work out your most profitable customers and look for other, similar clients, to further enhance your profit levels.

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2. HR Analytics Dashboard

Your employees are your most important asset. And with the HR Analytics Dashboard, you can monitor data on all of your team members.

Headcount statistics show information such as the total number of employees, new joiners, and active employee figures. You can also see the attrition rate, which is the ratio of employees that left a business for any reason.

Financial statistics show salary and cost by the individual, job role, and department. You can compare annual figures to those of last year and break down company cost by department and work out where money is going and whether it is being used to its full potential.

The Demographics tab shows employee location and nationality, gender split, department headcounts, and absenteeism figures across the organization. Finally, Employee Details enables you to choose a single employee and then look at details such as personal information, current position, financial details, and absenteeism records.

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3. Sales Scorecard Dashboard

The Sales Scorecard Dashboard is a single-screen dashboard. It aims to answer the question “how is my company doing?”

The dashboard uses color clearly and intelligently. The majority of the data is produced in grayscale, but areas where an organization is actually losing money are highlighted in a red color making it easy to identify areas for improvement.

Because a loss doesn’t tell a full story, the dashboard also offers a comparison to last year’s figures. This enables you to view a trend and see whether this year’s loss is an improvement or a further slide compared to 12 months ago.

It gives sales figures by product, state, and region. You can identify whether there is a particular product that is losing money, whether you are returning a loss in specific locations, and you can look at sales and profit trends, which compare this year’s figures to last, by month.

Being configured on a single tab is convenient. It saves clutter and means that you don’t have to try and navigate your way from one page to another to find the information you need because it is all at hand.

4. Social Media Monitoring And Analytics Dashboard

Social media can be a very powerful tool for modern business. It is not only a marketing and sales channel, but it can be used to communicate with existing, potential, and former clients.

However, whether it is Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, or another social media platform, it needs careful management and monitoring.

The Social Media Monitoring and Analytics Dashboard is easy to use. It is broken down into multiple tabs, which means that each tab only has a small amount of data that you need to get to grips with.

Discussion Intensity can be considered the main page and it displays general information such as the number of mentions your brand has received online. This information is then broken down into social media and other mentions – very effective for brand monitoring.

Other tabs offer further breakdown, such as by social media platform and you can view the type of mention you receive, for example, image tag or direct link.

The sentiment analysis attempts to determine whether your mentions are positive or negative, while the Online Influencers tab details exactly who is mentioning you the most.

Finally, you can view quotes from some of your mentions and the Geolocation section shows where in the world you are being talked about.

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5. Inventory Stock Analysis Dashboard

Inventory and stock management are challenging even for the most experienced business owners, let alone for the eCommerce novice. The Inventory Stock Analysis Dashboard is beneficial for all experience levels and can be broken down by category and yearly quarter.

It shows confirmed information, such as the products that have been viewed the most and those that are viewed the least. This data could indicate that some of your products need better cross-promotion or, if they are being promoted, it might indicate that they do not have visual appeal.

You can also view how much of each product you have in stock and which are running out of stock. This is useful for all types of stock items but is especially beneficial with perishables because it enables you to maintain a relatively low stock level while still ensuring that you never run out.

Perhaps the most powerful feature of the Inventory Stock Analysis Dashboard is its ability to predict when it will be time to replenish the stock of specific items. Using this information, you can budget and forecast ahead so that you always have appropriate stock levels.

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6. Team Performance Dashboard

The Team Performance vs Target Dashboard shows the difference between a team’s established target and current performance against that target.

With this dashboard, you can assign sales targets by the number of units sold and the overall profits from those sales. Targets can be broken down by customer and you can also view sales by region by turning the dial at the top of the dashboard to the map option.

The point of the dashboard is to show performance against targets. With the donut chart on the left of the screen, accompanied by the level of profit performance compared to the target, any targets that are under target in the bar chart on the right are displayed in red which makes it quick and easy to spot areas where a sales team member is failing to hit their target.

This dashboard does have a few pages and while others use tabs and pages to display the different options, the Team Performance vs Target Dashboard hides the options a little more.

Click on the team member to open team member details, use the dial at the top to change the view, or right-click on specific products to drill through that way.

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7. Online Sentiment Analysis Dashboard

Online mentions of a brand, company, or individual, can make or break a reputation. Online reputation management means first identifying what people currently think of a particular brand before taking action to improve that reputation.

The Online Sentiment Analysis Dashboard displays mentions by category with the four primary categories being opinion, quality, sales, and crisis. You can also choose whether to view negative, positive, or neutral sentiments and further filter according to the source.

Source options include Facebook, Twitter, Photo, Video, and Other. Finally, choose the week of the year that you are concerned with and you will be shown all relevant data.

The information offered by the dashboard is somewhat limited, but it is effective for the start of an online brand reputation management campaign because it shows what online users are discussing.

8. Email Engagement Analysis Dashboard

Email marketing remains one of the most powerful means of building lists, converting website visitors into paying leads, and drumming up repeat and ongoing business. It enables businesses to stay in touch with their clients and, with careful list management, a good-quality email list can be profitable for several years to come.

The key to the ongoing success of an email campaign is the monitoring of performance. Performance monitoring enables you to identify pain points, highlight areas for improvement, and also to identify what is working.

The Email Engagement Analysis Dashboard highlights email engagement figures. This is the number of emails sent, how many were delivered or undelivered, the number of emails opened, and the total that received clicks.

The dashboard highlights KPIs like delivery rate, bounce rate, email open rate, and click rate. It even includes information like acceptable email bounce rates, although these do vary according to industry, email type, and whether leads on your email list were hot or warm.

Finally, you can also view your email performance on a month-by-month basis to see how optimization efforts are going.

9. Property Developer Sales Analytics Dashboard

This dashboard has a very specific purpose. It is designed to show the performance of the different sales team members that were involved in the sales of real estate properties.

Like in a lot of businesses, real estate sales usually involve more than a single member of the sales team. At the very least, a sale will usually require a call center sales member and the main salesperson. Other team members might also be involved and the Property Developer Sales Analytics Dashboard breaks sales down by these and other factors.

The dashboard can display sales figures and data according to the type of property: for example, apartments, penthouses, office space, or studios. It also shows targeted and actual revenues.

On the sales page, managers can view the sales funnel, which can show if any sales are being held up at a particular stage of the process. It also shows the efficiency of sales calls by property type and the results by the salesperson.

While a sale might be considered a success for the salesperson that visited the property, it could have taken multiple unprofitable calls to achieve that visit. This means that the sale would be a success for the salesperson but a potential failure for the sales team, and the Property Developer Sales Analytics Dashboard enables managers to view this data.

10. Executive Insights Dashboard

The Executive Insights dashboard offers an in-depth and detailed report on how, where, and when a company is making sales and profits. It contains several pages, primarily navigated through the top bar.

Profits are driven by sales and determined by revenue, and this dashboard not only displays results for profits, but for the total number of products sold and the revenue for a business. It breaks sales down globally and by product, and it enables you to show results according to product category and order type (e.g. email, web, telephone sales).

The dashboard also displays the best-performing products by profit, highlights how close you are to achieving targeted profit levels, and displays net running profit for the year.

Above the geographic display are some general statistics that show the profit, profit margin, average order, total quantity, and total revenue performance.

The dashboard is dynamic, easy to understand, and its use of visual data, rather than cold hard numbers, that are updated according to the filters you set, means that it displays the information required and dispenses with unnecessary data.

11. COVID-19 Dashboard

The spread of the COVID 19 pandemic has seen big data being deployed and distributed around the world. Billions of people have been tested, millions have had the disease, and these figures change on a daily basis while the public, as well as governmental and health agencies around the world, want the latest information.

As well as being an obvious public health challenge, it is also been a big data challenge and one that has led to the utilization of many visualizations. The COVID-19 Information Dashboard is a data visualization dashboard that gives the latest information.

Users can search by country, region, and time period. The dashboard will then display the number of cases reported in this area over this time frame, along with the number of people that recovered, and the number of fatalities reported.

It gives an overall fatality rate and recovery rate. It shows the number of reported cases and deaths per million.

Additional graphs provide a variety of visualizations and ways to present the data and additional pages showcase by the top 10 countries, donut charts, and other graphs.

There is also one page that shows the evolution of the pandemic since it was first discovered. Users click play and it updates with daily figures right up to the day before the report was run.

12. Attendance Tracker Dashboard

The Attendance Tracker Dashboard is meant for school administrators to track the attendance of pupils but could be modified to meet other purposes.

The dashboard offers district-level data, which means that it can be used by heads of multiple schools or by regional officers. The aim of the dashboard is to highlight opportunities for teachers and staff to have conversations with pupils because research shows that these conversations encourage attendance and discourage absence.

Absence figures are displayed according to the teacher, principal, school, and even down the subject and class level. Absences are displayed as actual figures as well as the percentage of total students that were expected to attend.

Using the dashboard, it is possible to identify whether absences are higher on a particular day, for a specific topic, or with individual teachers. This enables faculty members to highlight the problem and then determine its cause and work towards solving it.

The dashboard is clear and concise, containing all the information on a single page making it easy to ignore the background noise and get to genuinely useful information.

13. Global Superstore Dashboard

The Global Superstore Dashboard is a dynamic dashboard design that highlights sales and profits for a global store with multiple sites. Details are given by country, region, and city, as well as by product category and sub-category.

This level of detail means that users can determine the cities where, for example, mobile phone cases are making the highest profits and those cities where they do not sell as well.

Click on any of the countries or regions to update the sales vs profits sub-category, and vice versa, giving full control of the data. This dynamic updating also means that you can get rid of redundant data. If UK stores do not sell cell phone cases, data for these products won’t be displayed when the user clicks on the UK country selector.

The top right of the dashboard offers trend data so that users can view sales and profit figures over a five-year period. Need to know whether a product is selling well simply because of seasonality, or if a poor month is indicative of an ongoing product slump? Trend data can point you in the right direction.

This is a well-organized and dynamic dashboard that looks good and makes it easy to ignore irrelevant information and data.

14. Handball Comparison Dashboard

The Handball Comparison dashboard is a dynamic team comparison dashboard that could be modified for use with any team sport, really. It shows the most important statistics and data for major teams, and the user can select home and away teams by choosing from the gallery at the top.

It is possible to drill further down, too, and see how specific players within each team have performed. Click on the player thumbnail at the side of the team and the statistics will update with the individual’s performance data.

Finally, you can also update statistics according to player position, grouping, goals, and play styles with the options at the bottom.

15. COVID-19 NSW Transport Impact

COVID impacted daily lives in immeasurable ways, even down to public transport. This dashboard shows the take-up rate of public transport in New South Wales, Australia, and how it has been impacted by the pandemic.

This information is useful for the head of rail and bus companies and generally shows the overall impact that COVID-19 had on public services. The data could be modified for tourism or other related industries, too.


Power BI is part of the Microsoft Power Platform, which enables the creation of custom platforms and apps for businesses. It is possible to find skilled and experienced partners that can create high-quality and effective dashboards for virtually any requirement.

View the dashboards above and use them to create your own, or contact the original partner and have them create something similar for your own business or project.

About Author

Tom loves to write on technology, e-commerce & internet marketing.
Tom has been a full-time internet marketer for two decades now, earning millions of dollars while living life on his own terms. Along the way, he’s also coached thousands of other people to success.